sumber :
Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
17 Hari Terkubur, Pekerja Tambang di Cile Tetap Hidup
sumber :
Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010
Network Interface Card / LAN Card / NIC
NIC is a console that inserted on Motherboard that serve the port to connect to network through a cable. there are 2 kind of NIC, NIC onboard and NIC non-onboard. NIC onboard is NIC that has been integrated on Motherboard, meanwhile NIC non-onboard is NIC that can be set by us manually. the function of NIC is as connector between computer and LAN connection. :)
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the task of a Network Administrator
the task of a Network Administrator is take a care of the damage and changing condition of network.
the responsibility are :
-set the network.
-check the network performance.
-fix the problem of network. :)
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the responsibility are :
-set the network.
-check the network performance.
-fix the problem of network. :)
HUB in computer networking
HUB is a console that used to connect many computers in a network, usually it used in local area network / LAN. HUB is absolutely used for 2 computer or more. In general HUB has 24 ports but there are that has 4, 12, 8, or 5 ports.
in a network, HUB can uses for more than one. :)
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in a network, HUB can uses for more than one. :)
Meaning of Network of computer
Did you know network of computer? yap.. its connection between 2 computer or more in one united to access each other / communication.
there are the rule to make a network in computer such as
1. must have language / protocol / rule
2. media, i.e cable and non-cable
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there are the rule to make a network in computer such as
1. must have language / protocol / rule
2. media, i.e cable and non-cable
Coaxial, UTP and STP cable
-Coaxial is a kind of cable, in example cable on TV antena.
-UTP cable is also a kind of cable. UTP, its mean Unshielded Twisted Pair. it used in Local area network and the maximum length to reach the optimum effect is 100 m.
-STP, its a bit big than coaxial and UTP. STP means Shielded Twisted Pair. it used in outdoor that direct interact with weather :)
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-UTP cable is also a kind of cable. UTP, its mean Unshielded Twisted Pair. it used in Local area network and the maximum length to reach the optimum effect is 100 m.
-STP, its a bit big than coaxial and UTP. STP means Shielded Twisted Pair. it used in outdoor that direct interact with weather :)
Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
Koneksi terputus :[
barusan aja pengen hepi2 ke warnet eh baru main 1 jam 10 menit malah ada gangguan koneksi ya jadi gak konek deh,,, hehhhh ... payah ah... hal itu baru aku sadari ketika admin warnet mengirimkan sebuah pesan lewat billing kalau koneksi lagi eror n komputer akan di restart otomatis, huuuh bete sangat. ya udah aku tunggu, komputer restar sendiri, wahaahaha anehnya ada orang yang kaget kalo komputernya restar,,,, hadu hadu..
aku tunggu sampe 5 menit n akhirnya koneksinya lancar lagi. eh malah yang pada panik pada off ngenetnya, ya udah deh jadi tambah banter... xixixixix aku kan main paket 2 jam jadi ya eman2 kalo aku off, kan baru 1 jam lebih sedikit.. hihihi :P
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aku tunggu sampe 5 menit n akhirnya koneksinya lancar lagi. eh malah yang pada panik pada off ngenetnya, ya udah deh jadi tambah banter... xixixixix aku kan main paket 2 jam jadi ya eman2 kalo aku off, kan baru 1 jam lebih sedikit.. hihihi :P
Huft... ke Warnet ah
huft, ke warnet ah... hehe itu lah judulnya, postingan gak penting ini aku tulis cuma buat iseng, hee.. abis bete sih. pulang sekolah jam sebelas seperempat. abis itu jumatan la kan jumatan itu selesainya jam setengah satu, jadi bingung deh mau ngapain, skarang kan lagi bulan puasa. jadi ya aku putusin buat pergi ke warnet "Ver*****" yang deket sekolahan. hehe,,, :P
sebenarnya kan ada 2 warnet yang deket ma skolahku, yang satunya lagi namanya "kuning" aku males online disana, knapa coba??? yap... operating sistemnya pake dewalinux, aku kan gak pinter pake linux,,, haha.... tapi aku agak sedikit tertarik cz dwa linux tampilannya mirip kaya windows 7. sayangnya warnet ini lola bgt walaupun harganya 3rb sejamnya aku tetap milih Ver***** yang pake operating sistem windows xp (yang mudah) hehe... hahay.. :P
di warnet ini lumayan cpet, sejamnya 3500 (wew... kok jadi promosi gini,,, hehe)
aduh kehabisan kata2 buat mosting nih.. ya udah dulu ya.... :P
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sebenarnya kan ada 2 warnet yang deket ma skolahku, yang satunya lagi namanya "kuning" aku males online disana, knapa coba??? yap... operating sistemnya pake dewalinux, aku kan gak pinter pake linux,,, haha.... tapi aku agak sedikit tertarik cz dwa linux tampilannya mirip kaya windows 7. sayangnya warnet ini lola bgt walaupun harganya 3rb sejamnya aku tetap milih Ver***** yang pake operating sistem windows xp (yang mudah) hehe... hahay.. :P
di warnet ini lumayan cpet, sejamnya 3500 (wew... kok jadi promosi gini,,, hehe)
aduh kehabisan kata2 buat mosting nih.. ya udah dulu ya.... :P
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